Dude Looks Like a Lady

So fellas, are you needing a bro? Developing man boobs or moobs can be a guy’s worst nightmare. The medical term for it is gynecomastia. Moobs develop because of an imbalance in the body’s testosterone and estrogen levels. Let’s take a look at the ways this imbalance can occur.

Belly Fat

Here’s a quick and dirty test. Stand with your back up against a wall then scoot your feet back until your heels are touching the wall. Now look down. Can you see your feet? Or is your pooch in the way? If you can’t see your feet, chances are you have an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen.

Belly fat, also known as visceral adiposity, is toxic and can mess with your hormones. Too much belly fat can lead to an excess production of aromatase, an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. That’s right, belly fat can make you girlie.

Belly fat occurs when you eat a high glycemic diet. Any time you eat foods that spike your blood sugar, your pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin is the fat storage hormone and causes your body to store fat in the abdomen.

And lest you think you can avoid belly fat by using artificial sweeteners, think again. Take a look around. Have you ever noticed that most people who drink diet soda are overweight? Recent research in mice suggests that artificial sweeteners alter the gut bacteria in a way that disrupts the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar leading to an increased risk for metabolic syndrome. Daily consumption of diet soda is associated with a 67% greater relative risk of incident type 2 diabetes compared to non-consumption.

Exposure to Xenoestrogens

Xenoestrogens are a sub-category of environmental toxins known as endocrine disruptors. These chemicals get into the body and mimic our natural hormones by binding or blocking hormone receptors. In this case, xenoestrogens mimic the effects of estrogen. Additionally, xenoestrogens are stored in fat cells and have been implicated in an increased risk for prostate cancer and obesity.

We are continually exposed to xenoestrogens in our society. Common sources include BPA in plastics (especially if heated), pesticides, herbicides, dry cleaning chemicals, non-organic livestock fattened with estrogenic drugs, phthalates and parabens in cosmetics and personal care products.

Poor Estrogen Detoxification

Estrogen is broken down by the liver and is eliminated through the digestive tract. Poor liver function due to too much alcohol or a fatty liver will lead to impaired estrogen detoxification resulting in estrogen build-up.

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, also known as NAFLD, is highly prevalent in our society. This condition is estimated to affect 20-30% of adults, 11% of adolescents and 50% or more of obese men! 70% of the cases of NALFD are associated with metabolic syndrome and consumption of soft drinks with high fructose corn syrup has been identified as an independent risk factor for metabolic syndrome.

The metabolism of fructose is different from other sugars like glucose. The metabolism of fructose occurs in the liver and is a complex process that directly leads to lipogenesis (fat production) in the liver cells and an increased production of ROS (reactive oxygen species) leading to increased inflammation. Consuming fructose causes fatty liver and inflammation.

Once estrogen is broken down, it is eliminated from the body through the digestive tract. Good bacterial balance in the gut, a diet high in fiber and regular bowel movements are essential to elimination of estrogenic toxins.

Too Much Stress

Excessive stress leads to excess production of cortisol that can impact testosterone and estrogen balance in several ways. First, elevated cortisol levels lead to weight gain, especially in the abdomen. We’ve already talked about how bad belly fat is for maintaining a good testosterone and estrogen balance. Additionally, cortisol is produced in the same pathways as estrogen and testosterone. When excess stress is present, the body steals pregnenolone away from testosterone production, which can lead to a testosterone/estrogen imbalance.

Let’s summarize the ways to improve your testosterone and estrogen levels:

Lose the Belly Fat

  • Cut down on foods that raise your blood sugar. We all know eating too much sugar is bad for us but most people don’t realize that flour-based foods such as bread (even whole grain), pasta, crackers and cereal will spike your blood sugar, sometimes as much or more than plain table sugar.
  • Eliminate artificial sweeteners.

Reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens

  • Never heat your food in plastic.
  • Store food in glass or ceramic containers and avoid plastics.
  • Invest in a glass or stainless steel water bottle.
  • Ditch the scented dryer sheets, scented candles and air fresheners/sprays and use essential oils instead.
  • Eat organic vegetables and meat whenever possible.
  • Purchase natural personal care products free of phthalates and parabens.

Improve your liver health

  • Break your Mountain Dew habit. Don’t drink sodas, ever. Even in moderation, soda is just bad.
  • Eliminate other sources of high fructose corn syrup, which can be found in many foods. Even perceived healthy foods like yogurt and peanut butter can be loaded with high fructose corn syrup.
  • Limit alcohol consumption to no more than 3 drinks per week.
  • Avoid drugs that impair liver function (i.e. tylenol).

Improve your digestive health

  • Eat a vegetable-rich diet to improve daily fiber consumption.
  • Take a probiotic and eat fermented foods to balance the bacteria in the gut.
  • Drink plenty of water to improve elimination.

Reduce stress

  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Incorporate yoga and meditation into your weekly routine.
  • Take time out for yourself and spend time with friends and family.